Wednesday, December 30

Lance Armstrong - My Comeback, up close & personal

"For me living life to the fullest is a lot about testing myself: accepting challenges, training hard, and then going for it"

My kind'a quote!

Summary Cycling Season 2009

RACE KM Meters Climbed TIME AVG SPEED km/h
Aqueduct Challenge 101km 2,030m 4:20 23.3
Dragon Ride Wales 190km 3,000m 07:03 27.0
London to Paris - day 1 170km 1,330m 06:07 27.8
London to Paris - day 2 168km 1,652m 06:41 25.1
London to Paris - day 3 167km 1,393m 07:00 23.9
Tour of Exmoor 123km 3,138m 05:58 20.6
Etape du Tour Mondovélo 172km 3,719m 07:28 23.0
TOTAL 1,091km 16,262m 1 day 20 hours 37 mins 24.4