Monday, May 3

Team Bios - Asian Trekking

We have three ABC support Nepali's providing all requirements for camp life. As I said in my short birthday speech, they have been fantastic. I thought I would give you a little insight into their lives

Sera Sherpa – Chief Cook

Sear is 50 years old and is married to Phurba. They live in Kapan district in Kathmandu and have 2 girls and one boy. Sera has been working for Asian Trekking for 25 years. The highest he has been is 6,500m at ABC on the Tibetan side of Everest.
They have 2 dogs as pets.

Ram Prasad Luitel

Ram is 51 years old and is married to Sabirty. They also live in a suburb of Kathmandu, Kusibu. They have 1 boy and 1 girl. Ram has been working for Asian Trekking for 21 years and also has a altitude record of 6,500m at Everest ABC. They have 1 dog as a pet.

Ang Kami Bhote

Kami is the youngest of the group at 42. He is married to Mitu and they live in a village called Patale which is a 200km bus ride (all day) and a 3 day trek away from Kathmandu. He has been working for Asian Trekking for 19 years. Same altitude record as the others. When asked about pets, he replied: 3 dogs, 6 goats and 7 cows!

What's amazing is that although the have been working for Asian Trekking for such long times, this is the first time that they have worked together.
So we thank them for their hard work, cheerful smiles and consistently helpful manners. When the camp is full, the rate of water consumption is 200 litre per day. This has to be fetched from down in the glacier lake, over half an hour away.

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